

Solution focusing & Infinitecodes á›– experts

Specialize you in QUANTUM HEALING 'Roll your spiritual sleeves up and get to work. Use your energy wisely.

Transmute all anger, panic and fear into light and empowerment'.


Infinitecodes á›– "305021" Effects:

Mystic Ban from All Negative Identifications Manipulation Mind Control Negative Subliminal Messages Mk Ultra Negative Conditioning.

'And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face... and the world we once believed in will shine again in grace. Then why do we keep strangling life wound this Earth, crucify its soul. Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly. We could be God's glow... Heal the world'

  • Infinitecodes á›– "65155" Effects:

    From now on, all communications with the Higher Self and the Spiritual World are unmanipultible. Permanent effect.

  • Infinitecodes á›– "4544" Effects: 

    Detect, transcend and dissolve any illusion of separation.

    18800137386700115797524631482690853496305021230 ✨


Spiritual Wealthy

'If we are to help heal the world, we need to remember that it is a sacred place. Our actions need to be positive statements, reminders that even in the worst times there is a world worth struggling for'

Feature 1

Infinitecodes á›– "422979921" Effects:

Create new timeline paradise of God.

We create a new timeline!

How can it be that I live gratefully on a timeline on which I am together with many like-minded people in freedom and peace, on which the Maschien serve men and on which we are in consonance and harmony with Mother Earth?.

Feature 2

Infinitecodes á›– "7438729" Effects:

Primeval nature forests air quality created in paradise environment everywhere.

Feature 3

Infinitecodes á›– "766623165082" Effects:

Primeval nature forests everywhere.

Paradise Jungle environment created.

Perfect nature + environment health!

Completely solid protection + afforestation!


Infinitecodes á›– [Silent Subliminals] 7866642231294 Effects:

Immediately manipulates all statists in the room into the positive that you can consciously control, 100% share your will and can serve you as an experience vehicle.

Manipuliert Sofort alle Statisten im Raum ins Positive die du bewusst steuern kannst, 100% deinen Willen teilen und dir als Erlebnis-Vehikel dienen können.

natychmiast manipuluj wszystkimi dodatkami w pokoju w pozytywny sposób, którym możesz świadomie zarządzać, w 100% dzieląc się swoją wolą i służąc jako środek doświadczenia.


Infinitecodes á›– "855" Effects:

The Darkness is Now Very Weak and Very POWERLESS and recognizable to all real humans.

With my divine creator power all black magic energies and voodo energies are removed from my body, from my house from all humans and animals in my house here sofor and permanently, and with the help of mother earth and my light sword transformed into Infinite Love! If a resolution is not allowed, I will send it back to her creator and banish you. Now Immediately So be it!


‘Now Exclusive here! Surround yourself with the ‘Roots Of The Earth’ to enable your Perfect Unfolding in ours HUMAN QUANTUM MATRIX.'
Infinitecodes á›– "305021" Effects:

(To use) The codes do not have to be visible. but the presence and the crowd counts if you are to work for you.

Example: Create multiple .txt files compression if necessary. (after your intuition questioning (heart) (perfect-self)... Determine the required quantity and then place it wherever you see or can guess necessity. With a technique of kinesiology you can help yourself easily further e.g. Kinesiological muscle test or how I do it with the help of psychomantry.


Then you can fill up USB memory cards or external hard drives
with Infinitecodes ᛖ (🔥frequencies) and then combine the fully informed information carriers with other methods of self-programming, for example with a voodoo station of your choice. You can be creative!

Share 乇ムらㄚ your experiences and Methods of concentration with us.

Infos to Start with your focus on Infinitecodes ᛖ Click on! https://helpgive.to/ic
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Your Focus is your Future!

Creation: Your Life Your Project!

GOALS, I easily reach my goals

